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Ringkasan Informasi Produk & Layanan Kartu Kredit BNI



BNI MAPCLUB Card offers the spectacular rewards and benefits to upgrade your daily life, such as exclusive discount, MAPCLUB point cashback and special event access making it perfect for those enjoying active and dynamic lifestyle. This Credit Card is a collaboration between MAPCLUB issued by PT Bank Negara Indonesia and supported by the Visa network.

Special Offering from BNI and MAPCLUB

Welcome Benefit up to 1 Mio MAPCLUB Points

Reward MAPCLUB Points Minimal Transaction Remarks
200,000 IDR 1,000,000.00 First Transaction
500,000 IDR 5,000,000.00 Accumulated Transaction
1,000,000 IDR 10,000,000.00 Accumulated Transaction
  • Transaction should be done within 30 days after the card approved.
  • Eligible for all transaction at MAP stores under MAPCLUB.
  • For installment transactions, the MAPCLUB Point bonus will be obtained from the total initial transaction. The value of the following month's installment transactions will not count as MAPCLUB Points.
  • For the customer who is a MAPCLUB member, please ensure that the phone number enrolled at MAPCLUB is the same as enrolled at BNI MAPLCUB Credit Card. If there is any discrepancy pertain to phone number, all generated points will be injected to the phone number enrolled at BNI MAPCLUB Credit Card.
  • For the customer who is not a MAPCLUB member yet, by applying BNI MAPCLUB Credit Card the customer agrees to be enrolled as a MAPCLUB member by BNI.

Cashback 100,000 MAPCLUB Points

  • Minimal Transaction of IDR 1,000,000.00.
  • Eligible for first transaction.
  • Eligible for transaction on MAPCLUB Mobile App.

Exclusive Benefits

Reward Multiple Type of Transaction Ecosystem Maximum Points
Extra 1X* IDR 10,000.00 All Transaction MAP 125,000
30 IDR 10,000.00 Online Transaction Outside MAPCLUB 100,000
10 IDR 10,000.00 Retail Transaction Outside MAP 50,000

*Based on MAPCLUB’s regulation. For more information, visit :

Additional Benefits

  • Birthday Treat
    • Discount coupon up to IDR 100,000.00 for transactions using BNI MAPCLUB Credit Card.
  • Free shipping
    For every transaction on MAPCLUP App.
  • Free 2 Years Annual Fee
    Without any conditions for the first year, and for the following year with a minimum of 1 transaction using BNI–MAPCLUB Card.

For more information, visit:

Program Tactical BNI-MAPCLUB Credit Card

No Annual Fee For Life

Enjoy various features and benefits of BNI-MAPCLUB Credit Card without annual fees for life, details as follows :

  • Make at least 1 (one) transaction in the first year with no minimum transaction.
  • Submission until June 30, 2025.

Annual Fee

  • Basic Card : IDR 600,000.00.
  • Supplement Card : IDR 300,000.00.

Additional Information

  • Transaction using BNI–MAPCLUB Card will only generate MAPCLUP Point and there is no BNI Reward Point (BRP) like other BNI Credit Cards.
  • Rewarding BNI–MAP Point based on transaction using BNI–MAPCLUB Card will be given after 7 working days of billing statement at the latest.

General Information

  1. General Requirement
  2. Requirement Remarks
    Minimum annual income* IDR 84 Million (Platinum)
    Minimum age of Basic Card holder 21 years old
    Minimum age of Supplement Card holder 17 years old
    Maximum Age** 65 years old
    * Bank has a right to approve/decline the card chosen/wanted by the BNI Credit Card applicant is based on the applicant's income information.
    ** Applies on Basic and Supplement Card holder.

  3. Required Document
  4. Required Document Employee/Police Officer/Indonesian National Armed Force Doctor and other professional occupation Entrepreneurs Others Bank's Credit Card holder
    Copy of ID/Passport x x x x
    Proof of income* x x x x
    Copy of Notary Company ACT/Trade Licence Company Registration x
    Professional License x
    Others Bank's Credit Card number and member information since x
    * Paycheck or proof of income letter or Annual Tax Notification (SPT), copy of Tax Identification Number (NPWP) must be submitted.