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BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card

BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card is a card resulting from a co-branding collaboration between BNI and XL Axiata presented in the BNI-XL PRIORITAS Platinum CoBrand Credit Card variant. The BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card uses the Visa network and is intended for all XL Axiata members and the general public.

The BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card design, featuring the XL Axiata logo identity with an abstract style and silver platinum color theme is one of XL PRIORITAS' identities, which presents the premium and classy XL PRIORITAS product services. The touch of mega mendung batik design behind the silhouette of the XL Axiata logo provides a touch of Indonesian culture as a proud domestic product.


BNI Benefit XL PRIORITAS Benefit
  1. Welcome cashback of IDR 200,000.00.
  2. 100% cashback up to IDR 500,000.00 for using XL Priority bill payment.
  3. Bonus up to 3x BNI Rewards Point.
  4. Free annual fee for 2 years.
Welcome benefit :
  1. Additional quota up to 15GB for 12 months.
  2. PRIO Flex credit up to IDR 200,000.00.
  3. Free to choose a beautiful number up to IDR 5,000,000.00 for new users.
Extra benefit :
  1. 20% discount on monthly package bills (MRC) for new XL PRIORITAS users, payment at the end.
  2. Opportunity to get a discount program for upgrading plans for old XL PRIORITAS users, payment at the end.
  3. XL PRIORITAS handling.

Register a new number at

Special Features

  1. Welcome Cashback IDR 200,000.00
  2. Welcome cashback IDR 200,000.00 by making a minimum accumulation of transactions anywhere worth IDR 2,000,000.00 within 1 month after the card application is approved.

    • Cashback will be given a maximum of 60 working days after the transaction requirements are met.
    • Transactions that are calculated are retail transactions excluding cash advances.

  3. 100% Cashback Up To IDR 500,000.00
  4. Cashback in the first 1 month for XL PRIORITAS bill payments according to the bill with a maximum value of IDR 500 thousand.

    • Cashback is given according to the XL PRIORITAS bill payment bill in the first month after the Customer registers for XL PRIORITAS bill payment with the BNI-XL PRIORITAS Credit Card.
    • Cashback will be given a maximum of 60 working days after the transaction requirements are met.

  5. BNI Rewards Point
  6. BNI Rewards Point is a loyalty program from BNI where for every BNI Credit Card transaction worth IDR 10,000.00 (ten thousand rupiah), the cardholder will get 1 (one) reward point and is valid for multiple transaction values. The benefits obtained for BNI-XL PRIORITAS Credit Cardholders are as follows :

    • 2x BNI Rewards Point (BRP) for every transaction with the contactless feature.
    • 3x BNI Rewards Point (BRP) for every priority bill payment transaction.

    Complete information about BNI Rewards Point can be seen at the following link

  7. Free Annual Fee 2 Years
  8. Free annual fee in the 1st year without any conditions and in the 2nd year with a minimum requirement of 1 transaction using the BNI–XL PRIORITAS Credit Card.

  9. Welcome Benefit :
  10. Benefits obtained by Customers, both new Customers and loyal XL PRIORITAS Customers..

    1. Additional quota up to 15GB for 12 months.
      XL PRIORITAS Monthly Plan Additional Quota
      Silver, Gold, Platinum 5GB for 12 Months
      Diamond 10GB for 12 Months
      Ultima 15GB for 12 Months
      Terms and Conditions :
      • Additional quota can be used on all XL Axiata networks and is valid for 30 days.
      • Additional quota will be given a maximum of 7 working days (7x24 hours) after the XL PRIORITAS number is activated and in accordance with the program provisions.
      • Additional quota will be used first compared to the monthly data plan quota.
      • Additional quota can be used as long as the number is active on XL PRIORITAS or has paid the bill.
      • Additional quota is not accumulated to the following month.
      • Additional quota does not apply to PRIO PASS.
      • Additional quota will be automatically extended until the 12th month.
      • Additional quota is only valid 1 time for 1 XL PRIORITAS number.
      • If the additional quota runs out, the main package benefit or applicable basic rate will be used.
      • If the Customer moves to a higher plan, the additional quota will remain the same and will not be reset.
      • The additional quota will be deleted :
        • If the Customer is in the monitoring period (grace period) or suspension period (blocked period).
        • If the Customer does not pay the bill on time.
        • If the Customer changes the payment method or routine transaction to another Credit Card or other method that is not a BNI XL Axiata cobrand.
      • XL has the right to cancel unilaterally if misuse or fraud is found that is detrimental to XL.
    2. PRIO Flex Credit Up To IDR 200,000.00
      PRIO Flex details for the BNI-XL PRIORITAS Cobrand Credit Card program are as follows :
      XL PRIORITAS Monthly Plan PRIO Flex Credit
      Silver, Gold, Platinum Credit IDR 100 thousand
      Diamond Credit IDR 150 thousand
      Ultima Credit IDR 200 thousand
      Terms and Conditions :
      • PRIO flex credit will be given after checking and the BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card is declared valid, active and registered/still valid as a source of payment or routine transactions.
      • PRIO Flex credit will be given a maximum of 7 working days (7x24 hours) after valid verification.
      • PRIO flex can be used to purchase any package and pay PRIORITAS bills.
      • PRIO flex is only valid 1 time for 1 XL PRIORITAS number.
      • PRIO flex cannot be refunded in any form.
      • Additional quota will be removed :
        • If the Customer is in the monitoring period (grace period) or suspension period (blocked period).
        • If the Customer does not pay the bill on time.
        • If the Customer changes the payment method or routine transaction to another Credit Card or other method that is not cobrand BNI-XL PRIORITAS.
      • The PRIO Flex terms and conditions will follow.
      • XL has the right to cancel unilaterally if misuse or fraud is found that is detrimental to XL.
      • More detailed information regarding PRIO Flex can be accessed at the link
    3. Free to choose a beautiful number worth up to 5,000,000.00 for new users
      New XL PRIORITAS Customers have the opportunity to get a beautiful number with a value of up to 5 million.
      Terms and Conditions :
      • Valid only if the Customer uses a BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card with a new activation number.
      • Registration is only valid through access
      • Beautiful numbers cannot be traded or misused.
      • Availability of beautiful numbers is limited.
      • Provisions related to beautiful XL PRIORITAS numbers may change at any time.
      • XL has the right to unilaterally cancel if misuse or fraud is found that is detrimental to XL.

  11. Extra Benefits :
    1. 20% discount on monthly package bills (MRC) for 5 months up to IDR 500,000,-
    2. 20% discount on XL PRIORITAS Postpaid monthly packages for 5 months with a total of up to IDR 500,000.00 for new registrations using BNI XL PRIORITAS cobrand credit cards.

      Terms and Conditions :

      • The discount will apply starting from the 2nd month or after the Customer has been validated/verified to make a payment using the BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card.
      • The discount applies to monthly plans (not valid for other purchases/uses).
      • The discount will be displayed on the XL PRIORITAS bill details.
      • The discount does not include VAT.
      • The bill discount is only valid once for 1 XL PRIORITAS number.
      • The discount remains valid and continues when the Customer upgrades to a higher package.
      • Discounts do not apply :
        • If the Customer downgrades to a lower package.
        • If the Customer is in a suspension period (blocked period).
        • If the Customer does not pay the bill on time.
        • If the Customer changes the payment method or routine transaction to another Credit Card or other method that is not a BNI-XL PRIORITAS cobrand.
        • The Customer closes the XL PRIORITAS number while the promo is still ongoing.
      • XL has the right to cancel unilaterally if misuse or fraud is found that is detrimental to XL.
    3. Benefits for Existing XL PRIORITAS Customers
      Loyal XL PRIORITAS Customers who have subscribed for at least 6 months and have registered a BNI-XL PRIORITAS Cobrand Credit Card have the opportunity to get the upselling program.
      • Upsell/upgrade plan program is valid on myXL.
      • Upgrade plan program is only valid for existing XL PRIORITAS users who pay at the end.
      • Upsell plan discounts of up to 30% for up to 6 months based on customer profile.
      • Discounts are only valid for monthly packages (excluding taxes and other usage).
      • Program discounts can change at any time or end without notice to Customers.
      • Discounts will be canceled :
        • If the customer downgrades to a lower package.
        • Late payment of XL PRIORITAS bills.
        • Blocked numbers.
        • Closing XL PRIORITAS numbers while the promo is still ongoing.
      • XL has the right to unilaterally cancel if misuse or fraud is found that is detrimental to XL.
    4. PRIORITAS Handling
      Special service obtained by XL PRIORITAS Customers to contact XL PRIORITAS care services via live chat on the myXL application.
      • Dedicated agent in Live Chat : Customers can connect with agents via Live Chat which can be accessed via the myXL application.
      • Exclusive invitation for XL PRIORITAS events: Customers have the opportunity to get an exclusive invitation from XL PRIORITAS when there is an event held by XL PRIORITAS.
      • XL has the right to unilaterally cancel if there is any misuse or fraud that is detrimental to XL.

Apply for a BNI – XL PRIORITAS Credit Card via your smartphone at

Program Tactical BNI-XL PRIORITAS Credit Card

No Annual Fee For Life

Enjoy various features and benefits of BNI-XL PRIORITAS Credit Cards without annual fees for life. Mechanism for eliminating annual fees for life :

  • Make a minimum of 1 (one) transaction in the first year with no minimum transaction.
  • Submission until June 30, 2025.

Annual Fee

  • Main card       : IDR 600,000.00.
  • Additional card : IDR 300,000.00.

Fees and Interest

  • Shopping interest: 1.75% per month.
  • Cash withdrawal interest: 1.75% per month.
  • Cash withdrawal fee: 6% of the withdrawal amount or a minimum of IDR 100 thousand.
  • Cash facility fee: 4% of the transaction or a minimum of IDR 30 thousand.
  • Late fee: 1% of the total bill or a maximum of IDR 100 thousand.
  • Credit limit exceedance fee: IDR 150,000.00.
  • Card replacement fee: IDR 100,000.00.
  • Bill printing fee: IDR 20,000.00.
  • Bill reprint fee :
    • IDR 30,000.00 (for delivery via Post).
    • IDR 5,000.00 (for delivery via Fax or E-mail).
    • Free for e-billing participants (via E-mail).
  • Notification service fee : IDR 7,500.00 per bulan.

*The above fees are subject to change at any time and will be conveyed through written notification or other media.

BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card Application Requirements

  1. Applicant requirements information
    • Minimum annual income : IDR 60 million.
    • Minimum age of primary cardholder : 21 years.
    • Minimum age of additional cardholder : 17 years.
    • Maximum age** : 65 years.
  2. * The Bank has the right to approve/reject the type of card selected/desired by the BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card applicant based on the income information of the BNI-XL PRIORITAS CoBrand Credit Card applicant.
    ** Applicable to primary and additional cardholders.
  3. Document requirements information
  4. Documents required Employees/TNI/Police Doctors/Other Professionals Entrepreneurs Other Bank Credit Card Holders
    Photocopy of Identity (KTP/SIM/Pasport) x x x x
    Proof of Income (Pay Slip, SPT or other proof of income)* x x x x
    Photocopy of Deed of Establishment/SIUP/TDP x
    Professional License x
    Other Bank Credit Card Number and "Member Since" Info x
    NPWP x x x x
    * For Doctors/Other Professionals, it can be a photocopy of Savings/SPT and for Entrepreneurs, it can be a photocopy of the last 3 months' Bank Statement/SPT.