As a corporate, BNI has reaffirmed its commitment towards the continuous implementation of Good Corporate Governance to the fullest. It is explicitly stated in the fifth mission of BNI, namely : “To become the benchmark of good corporate governance practice”. For BNI, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (here in after abbreviated as “GCG”) has become a necessity instead of a mandatory. BNI realizes, only through the implementation of GCG will the Bank sustain its continuing existence as businessentity, in the midst of high competition in banking business and the ongoing global economic crisis. Having a long history as a financial institution, BNI understand that institutions that can survive the change of times are those who develops, maintainsand implements a commitment towards the practice of GCG.
BNI ceaselessly deepens the implementation of GCG. Such efforts have provided BNI with positive guidance in the face of competition, improving financial and non-financial performance, and further enhance the confidence of stakeholders. GCG principleswere intensified since 2005, when BNI established GCG Monitoring Unit pursuant to Board of Directors’ Directive No. KP/174/DIR/R dated 26 April 2005. The unit has evolved along with the development of BNI, and eventually become the GCG and Secretariat Group, under VP GCG and Office of The Board pursuant to Board of Directors’ Directive No. KP/271/DIR/R dated November 24, 2010 concerning Organizational Change of Corporate Communications and Secretariat Division.
The successful implementation of GCG in BNI is contributed to all BNI Employees (Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and employees) for their commitment to implement the principles of GCG. To internalize the commitment of GCG implementation, at the beginning of each year, all BNI Employees always reaffirm the Letter of Statement of the Commitment to implement GCG, which contains the declaration of all BNI personnel to :
- Discharge duties and obligations accordingly and responsibly in adherence to the principles of Good Corporate Governance and existing laws and regulations as well as the management principles of a healthy Bank.
- Refrain from offering, promising and/or accepting any form of reward to or from a customer, debtor, vendor, associate, business partner and/or other parties, both external and internal, including but not limited to transactions related to loan extension, provision of banking services, procurement of goods and services, before, during or after carrying out the transaction;
- Perform duties in the best possible manner in accordance with existing terms and conditions;
- Act in a just and equitable manner in fulfilling stakeholder rights;
- Serve as a model or an exemplary for all BNI employees;
- Accept the imposition of sanctions in accordance with prevailing terms and conditions when found to be in breach of the said commitments from the aforementioned points (1) to (5).
In addition to at the beginning of each year, affirmation to that commitment is also carried out during the inauguration of new officers, while taking oath of office in front of religious leaders, according to their religions. The affirmation to the commitmentof GCG implementation during the oath taking covers the following :
- Not to provide an opportunity or agree to provide an opportunity to any party that might impair the ability of the Company to accomplish its objectives.
- Not to accept any gift and souvenir of any form, directly and indirectly, from any party.
- To protect the Bank’s confidentiality or anything that must be kept confidential as stated by the regulation.
- Not to commit or order anything that obviously, or suspected to be, might cause a loss to the Company in particular, and to the country in general.
- To apply business principles at the highest level and always taking into account the interests of the Company and the country.
- To work honestly, orderly, carefully, and passionately to maximize company’s performance.
- Always uphold the honor of the Company, the Government, and the Republic of Indonesia.
- To forge solid cooperation, promote creativity and innovation, and develop the capability of all team members under the employee’s leadership.
- To perform my duties with full responsibility in accordance with the principle of accountability.
As one tangible results from the implementation of GCG, in 2011 BNI won a number of awards from national and international institutions, among others are the Best of The Best Company BUMN 2011, The Most Admired ASEAN Enterprise, Economics Challenges Award2011, The Best Right of Shareholders from Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) and The Most Trusted Company from The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG).
Corporate Governance Policy can be Download Here
Risk Management Policy
Risk Management Policy can be Download Here
Submission of Violation Report
Submission of Violation Report can be Download Here
Anti-Corruption Policy
Anti-Corruption Policy has been regulated in the code of ethics, Guidelines for Gratification, and Whistleblowing System of BNI that can be Download Here
Policy on The Fulfillment of Creditors' Rights
Policies related to creditors' rights have been stated in the agreement in the event that BNI enters into an Agreement with Creditors. In the agreement, the rights and obligations of the parties have been stated, related to the creditor's rights, forexample in providing information in a transparent, accurate, and timely manner both at the time of request and use of loans, keeping the financial ratio (Current Ratio, DeR, Debt to Service Ratio) with a ratio agreed with the creditor, submittingan annual audited financial statements for the period agreed upon with the Creditors, and so on.
Procurement Policy
Procurement Policy can be Download Here
Dividend Policy
Dividend Policy can be Download Here
Competency Development/Training Policy of The Board of Directors and Board of Commisioners
Competency Development/Training Policy of The Board of Directors and Board of Commisioners can be Download Here