• GMS
  • Announcements
  • Invitations
  • Resolutions
  • Minutes
  • Dividend

General Meeting of Shareholder

  1. General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is an organ of the Company holds the supreme power in the Company and holds all authorities that are not to be rendered to Board of Directors or Board of Commissioners.
  2. In implementing the authority, GMS must refer to provision of Articles of Association, the prevailing laws and regulatons and GCG principles.
  3. In implementing the authority, GMS must take into account to the interests of the Company’s development and health, the interests of Stakeholders as well as rights of the Company.
  4. Shareholders who have shares in the same classification must be treated equitably.
  5. Each shareholder reserves the right to vote in accordance with classification and the total shares he/she owned.
  6. Each shareholder reserves the right to obtain information on the Company, except for any information where Board of Directors have a reason that can be accounted for not to provide to.
  7. Shareholders are not allowed to interfere with in the operational activities of the Company which are Board of Directors’ responsibility pursuant to provision of Articles of Association and laws and regulations applicable.
  8. Shareholders are not allowed to utilize any authority and opportunity to obtain personal benefit.

Invitations of GMS


Resolutions of GMS