BNI Taplus Muda

  • Info
  • Tariff

BNI Taplus Muda is a savings product intended for Indonesian young people ranging from the age of 17 years to 35 years.

Facilities of BNI Taplus Muda

  1. E-Banking : Electronic banking transaction facilities consisting of BNI ATM, BNI Mobile Banking, BNI Internet Banking, BNI SMS Banking, and BNI Phone Banking.
  2. BNI CDM (Cash Deposit Machine) : 24-hour transaction service through CDM machine to make cash deposits.
  3. BNI Cashless (Non-Cash ATM) : 24-hour transaction services through ATM machine to make non-cash transactions.
  4. BNI CRM (Cash Recycle Machine) : 24-hour transaction services through the CRM machine to make deposits and cash withdrawals.
  5. Layanan Notifikasi transaksi via SMS.

BNI Taplus Muda account opening requirements

  1. Fill in an account opening form.
  2. Bring original proof of identity (KTP/SIM/Passport) and attach a photocopy of it.
  3. Fill in an e-statement form.

Minimum initial deposit Rp. 100.000,-
Next minimum deposit (at Teller counter) Rp. 10.000,-
Account administration fee Rp. 5.000,-
Initial issuance fee for BNI Taplus Muda Generik Debit Card Free
Initial issuance fee for BNI Taplus Muda Personalized Debit Card Rp. 25.000,-
Replacement fee for BNI Taplus Muda Debit Card due to loss/damage Rp. 25.000,-
Account closing fee Rp. 50.000,-
Account administration fee arrears Maximum of 3 times in arrears
Arrears of penalty < minimum balance Maximum of 3 times in arrears
Card administration fee arrears Maximum of 3 times in arrears
  • For charging account and card administration fees per month, if the savings balance is not sufficient at the time of charging, the fee will be payable and will be charged the following month.
  • Now BNI Taplus Muda is not subject to settling balance.

BNI Taplus Muda Debit Card Transaction Limit

Cash Withdrawal Rp. 5 Million/day
Shopping Rp. 10 Million/day
Transfer Rp. 10 Million/day
Interbank Transfer Rp. 10 Million/day

BNI Taplus Muda Interest Rates

Tiering BalanceInterest Rate (%) p.a.
< IDR 1 Million0,00%
≥ IDR 1 Million up to IDR 10 Million0,25%
> IDR 10 Million up to IDR 50 Million0,50%
> IDR 50 Million up to IDR 100 Million0,75%
> IDR 100 Million1,00%

Effective since March 12, 2021.