
Morotai Develops, BNI Encourages Financial Literacy

Morotai, 9 October 2019 --- Morotai Regency continues to stretch. The predicate as one of the New Bali has pushed the ranks of the regency government and inhabitants of Morotai to hurry up to prepare themselves. Infrastructure continues to be built, human resources are improved, and financial transaction facilities are increasingly equipped. Here BNI was also present to facilitate every Morotai citizen financial transaction.

Basic but major infrastructure, such as airport, port, highway, and telecommunications, has been built. Even so with BNI which prepares banking facilities so that financial transactions are easier, ranging from providing comfort at Outlets to spreading ATM machines, in order to bring Morotai inhabitants closer to digital financial facilities that have become a necessity in contemporary times.

The tourism business development automatically boosts the economic growth of Morotai Island. A growing economy is in dire need of support for adequate transaction facilities. From there will arise the need for adequate banking services for public financial management.

As one of the state-owned banks, BNI has looked at this potential by establishing BNI Branch Office (KC) in Morotai.

The Corporate Secretary of BNI, Meiliana said, BNI KC Morotai has accommodated the needs of 11,000 customers. One of them is the Center for Integrated Marine and Fisheries (SKPT). SKPT is a one-stop service for marine products.

BNI Morotai also won the trust to work on the government program, the Morotai Prosperous card that distributes aid from local governments to underprivileged inhabitants.

"Until now, the number of accounts aimed at the elderly, divorced widows, disabilities and orphans has reached 4,005 accounts. To expand BNI's services, BNI has 32 Agen46 spread across Morotai Island," Meiliana said.

The spread of Agen46 on Morotai Island has made BNI account opening, cash withdrawals/deposits, transfers, electronic money transactions and various payment services such as credit purchases, electricity payments, and BPJS no longer centralized in BNI KC Morotai.

Per August 2019, BNI already has 128,431 Agent46 spread throughout Indonesia who are ready to serve the needs of customers' banking services.

The Regent of Morotai, Benny Laos said, "I appreciate that BNI is present at Morotai, which takes the community to become Agent46, distributes Morotai Sejahtera cards and distributes business loans. I hope that BNI will continue to contribute to economic growth in Morotai.”


Lobster Collector

Per August 2019, BNI has distributed MSME loans amounting to Rp 73.9 trillion to 260 thousand debtors. The presence of BNI KC Morotai in 2016 helped boost BNI's lending.

Reagen Sumampouw (32 years) is one of BNI’s debtors who has businesses in various sectors, ranging from lobster collector to electricity store in Morotai.

"(Become BNI’s debtor) for about 3 years. Thank God every month my payment to BNI is smooth," he said.

Specifically, for lobster breeding business called Moro Karya he manages, every day Reagen must provide substantial capital. That not cheap cost must be prepared to send lobster to exporters in Jakarta.

"Lobster captivity must have a sizeable capital every day. To make purchase," he explained.

Before becoming a BNI debtor, Reagen claimed to still depend on personal capital and had never been a debtor at another bank. After becoming a BNI debtor, he perceived that all of his business activities became smoother.

Reagent hopes that BNI will continue to advance and continue to provide support in the form of financing for him.


For more information, please contact:

Corporate Secretary BNI

Phone: 021-5728387



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