PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BNI is here to bring a new spirit in improving work culture and performance through the BNI Culture Fest 2024. BNI also introduced the implementation of the Employee Wellbeing Program initiative which has been campaigned by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) since December 2023.
The concrete manifestations of the Wellbeing Program initiative that BNI has carried out include, special daycare for employees through BNI Little Explorers, the Employee Assistance Program and the Retirement Health Fund program.
The event, which was held on Thursday, November 14, 2024, was attended by Deputy Minister of SOEs Aminuddin Ma'ruf, President Director of BNI Royke Tumilaar, Human Capital and Compliance Director of BNI Mucharom, and other BNI directors, President Commissioner of BNI Pradjoto and his staff, as well as leaders of BNI Group subsidiaries.
BNI President Director Royke Tumilaar said, this event marks the peak of the next level of strengthening culture as part of the implementation of the transformational spirit to encourage performance achievement. "We want to continue to strengthen BNI's vision to become a financial institution that excels in service and performance in a sustainable manner," said Royke.
In line with the core values of Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, and Kolaboratif (AKHLAK/ Trustworthy, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative), the BNI Transformation Program includes Risk, Culture, Agile, Collaboration, and Execution Oriented (RACE) in optimizing company performance.
Through Culture Fest 2024, BNI introduced the Employee Wellbeing Program as an initiative in order to put emphasis on employee safety and comfort. At the very least, BNI follows three criteria for implementing the Employee Wellbeing Program: health, finance, and social.
"One of the real manifestations of the Wellbeing Program is by providing a special daycare for employees called BNI Little Explorers and a sports, arts, and hobby community forum for all BNI employees called 46Society," said Royke.
Next, there is the Employee Assistance Program called Naluri. This program offers digital-based consultations related to mental, physical, and financial. The next program is the Retirement Health Fund (DKMP), which is designed to give all BNI employees peace of mind as they approach retirement.
In the series of events, BNI also launched the book Transform or Disappear: A Journey of an Organization and Mindset Transformation. This book tells the journey of transformation carried out by BNI in facing various challenges, especially when Indonesia faced the impact of the pandemic in 2021 until now it has become a modern bank in terms of service and digitization.
BNI's success in carrying out the transformation outlined in this book is expected to be an inspiration and valuable learning for the young generation of BNI Hi-Movers in facing challenges in the future. BNI's current transformation journey has produced a proud milestone, but the transformation will continue to adjust to customer needs.
"Encouraging results have been seen. We are on the right track. But that doesn't mean the job is done. The journey is still long. We have not yet reached the final destination," Royke concluded.