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BNI Supermarket Investment is complete your investment options and is intended for the Customer service Emerald by providing facilities for ease of planning investment in money market instruments and Capital Markets.

Benefits Service Supermarket Investment

Supported all Relationship Customer Relationship Manager and Customer Officer competent, professional and experienced and have been certified Mutual Fund Sales Agent, we offer many advantages to you :

  • Assist in determining the investment choices that are tailored to the design and management of finances you have.
  • Routinely provide advice and consideration in connection with your investment choices for portfolio owned always awake and always in a corridor investment destination.
  • Assist in all matters related to administrative processes and operational transactions.

With the advantages that we have, we believe Supermarket Investments can be one of your financial solution, but the final decision still lies with you.

Investment Risk

  • Risk reduction in the value of Units.
  • Liquidity risk.
  • Risk of default.
  • The risk of political and economic changes.

Disclaimer :

  • The product contained in the Supermarket Investment is capital market products and is not a bank product that is not guaranteed by the Bank.
  • Products Investments (Mutual Funds, Bonds) are not included in the scope of deposit insurance program object.
  • BNI is only acting as selling agents of investment products and services.
  • BNI is not responsible for any and all claims and risks of investment clients.
  • Investing in risky capital market products. Customers / investors must read and understand the prospectus and scrap product info before deciding to invest.
  • Past performance is just an illustration of products that do not reflect future performance.